
Ali's Weight Loss Tracker

LilySlim Weight loss tickers


Any time I have spare time I love to craft.  My favorite by far has to be scrapbooking, but maybe that's because I get a break from the kiddos and time with my  I also enjoy crochet, cross stich, making hairbows and any other cool craft I find on Pinterest.  Did I mention that I freakin' LOVE Pinterest?  Gets my creative juices flowing!  Hope to share lots of crafty ideas with you here on my blog.


I have been keeping my 2 neices and nephew this summer here and there and try to do a craft once in a while to keep things exciting for them. This week we made FLARP! It's kind of a mix between Silly Putty and Flubber. It was super easy to make and the kids have had a BLAST playing with it. Did I mention if you press it into the bottom of a cup it makes a "not so nice" noise. Gross but the kids love it! I will post pictures tomorrow.

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