
Ali's Weight Loss Tracker

LilySlim Weight loss tickers


As a stay-at-home mom it is very important that I coupon!  I wouldn't consider myself an "EXTREME" couponer like you see on t.v. but  When I coupon I devote hours preparing for my shopping trip.  It's very time consuming but it certainly pays off.  I am also what you call...the "FREE SAMPLES QUEEN".  I get so excited when I receive my free samples in the mail and knowing that I didn't pay a dime for them. I've gotten a variety of things like shampoo, dog food, lotion, tissue, laundry detergent and much more.  I hope to share with you some of my favorite couponing websites along with tips and products that I love.  Maybe I'll encourage you to try couponing!  :o)

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