
Ali's Weight Loss Tracker

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, August 13, 2012

I'm still here...I promise!

Hey everybody!  Sorry it has taken me SO long to update.  I have had quite the journey the last couple weeks.  I had my gastric sleeve surgery on July 26th, 2012.  Surgery went well, but I was in terrible pain for a good 10 days.  I thought I was dying!  LOL!  The pain was not from my incisions at all, but the trapped gas in my stomach that kept bounching around.  It was especially painful when the gas shot up into my shoulders.  Luckily I am feeling much better now.  As of a week ago I had lost around 28 lbs. total.  Unfortunately my "friend" has come to visit and I am up about 5 lbs.  This is very discouraging as I am eating exactly how I am supposed to, but I keep telling myself that I am going to fluctuate so get use to it.  Hopefully in a few days I will come back down.  Still in "Phase 2" of my post op diet and really struggling to drink these protein shakes.  It's like I tell people..."Yeah a oreo shake from Chic-Fil-A is delicious...but do you want to drink 2 a day every day?!" answer is NO and for somebody who loves variety in her food...I am really struggling with the monotony of these shakes.  I have pinned so many low carb recipes on Pinterest so I am really excited when I can start eating "real" food.  Everyone keeps asking if I can tell a difference in my clothes.  I can tell maybe a tiny bit, but I can still wear all my regular stuff.  When you are as big as I am it takes a good 30 to 40 lbs. to drop a size.  But...I can tell in my stomach and maybe a little in my face.  My daughter and neices say they can tell in my "belly"  And my son says he can't tell at all.  Leave it to a man!  Hoping to post new body shots this week.  Thanks again to everyone for all your prayers and support.  Love you!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Work in Progress

Hello and thanks for visting my blog!  Blogging is COMPLETELY new to me and this page is still a work in progress.  I think I need "Blogging for Dummies"  I appreciate your patience as I perfect my page!  So excited!  :o)